Medieval hackers

As part of our attempts as a species to understand what hacking is, this review of the book Medieval Hackers provides a clear commonality between hackers and information-hackers of earlier ages: The basic premise of Kathleen E. Kennedy’s intriguing volume Medieval Hackers is that modern computer hackers are essentially the inheritors of the medieval copyist Medieval hackers

Hacking and heavy metal

I wrote an article about the cross-influence between hacking and heavy metal. It covers the use of alternative media, like BBS and AE lines, to convey a hidden truth that is shared between metalheads and hackers. The article is entitled “Hacker Metal” and it is published in Perfect Sound Forever webzine. For those who remember Hacking and heavy metal

The death of “hacking”

The net is still buzzing with the statement by the Full Disclosure list manager, but most people have forgotten this essential part: There is no honour amongst hackers any more. There is no real community. There is precious little skill. The entire security game is becoming more and more regulated. This is all a sign The death of “hacking”


From the early days of the public internet: The reflector bomb works on the simple principle that mail sent with spoofed addresses will bounce to the victim. Its particular agent is the BCC line, which enables the mailbomber to list any number of fake addresses on diverse servers for greater inefficiency of routing, leading to Mailbombing

Feed your paranoia: Palantir

Ever since Neuromancer, people have wanted real cyberspace — a visual display that correlates all the information out there and shows you the underlying patterns, no longer hidden by visual appearance of disunity. Here’s one stab at it: The day Fikri drives to Orlando, he gets a speeding ticket, which triggers an alert in the Feed your paranoia: Palantir

Interesting Times #7 released

The seventh edition of Interesting Times magazine has just been released in free pdf and nominally expensive print on demand (sold at cost, non-profit). This graphically-intensive publication covers the intersection of hacking, survivalism, planning for collapse of civilization, and exploring alternate ways of comprehending human society. Articles for this issue: How to be a virtual Interesting Times #7 released

How I joined the Dark Side

No one law for the ox and the raven will be fair. In fact, it will be tyranny. Mike and I shared disks at first. It wasn’t much of a bother. But in a moment of clumsiness his brother spilled a Coke on the stack of game disks. Most survived but a game we were How I joined the Dark Side

Interesting Times #5 released

Interesting Times is a self-help magazine for extreme people, helping you survive and thrive in the cyberpunk future of today. Headquartered in Sweden, the magazine provides a unique perspective on the current age of possibility, where every new happening holds the potential for both disaster and ground- breaking success. The magazine aims to implement total Interesting Times #5 released