The seventh edition of Interesting Times magazine has just been released in free pdf and nominally expensive print on demand (sold at cost, non-profit). This graphically-intensive publication covers the intersection of hacking, survivalism, planning for collapse of civilization, and exploring alternate ways of comprehending human society.
Articles for this issue:
- How to be a virtual world badass
- A new breed of retiree – profiting from decades of knowledge
- The career ladder is dead – long live the opportunity cloud
- The Hackerspace as bat-cave and lifestyle-lab
- How to arouse a woman
- Hacking your tactical kit, part 1: Ferfal’s favorite clothing & gear modifications
- Review: The Language Hacking Guide
- How to learn anything and have more ”I know Kung-Fu!”-moments
- Creative home engineering – makers of the best secret passages
- Cassandra be damned: Incremental resiliency for the long emergency
- 10 ways to obliterate your fears and expand your comfort zone
- The Myth of approach anxiety
- Designing your life and living your dreams
- Dr. Strange Investor (Or how I learned to stop worrying and make a fortune by betting on the New world order)
- The Conflict cycle
- On inner drive and the way to your goals
- Can pick up be guided by the Financial markets?
- The Memory palace: A venerable technique for remembering historic dates, your shopping list and phone numbers of random girls
It’s also worth checking out the back issues of the magazine. If you have a cyberpunk bone in your body, this is ripe fodder for exploration, and it’s free (as in both beer and speech). Visit the Interesting Times homesite today.