I went by the Champions Barnes & Noble the other day to pick up a few things. They had BSD Magazine on the shelves, along with the FreeBSD 7.0 Linux Identity Kit. I strongly recommend that any BSD users pick these up to show their support for BSD publications. I would imagine other Barnes & Nobles, as well as Borders, should have these on the shelves. No sign of them at Issues, but the Summer 2008 2600 was on the shelves there. Apparently, 2600 has also put out “The Best of 2600: A Hacker Odyssey”, which can be found at bookstores and online retailers such as Amazon. I have yet to see it on the shelves, as I have not looked for it. Please comment with locations where you find these publications.
1 Comment
I can verify for you that Borders was carrying a few copies on the shelves back in albuquerque when I was living there. So your local stores should have them.